Case study: a data analytics platform for operational excellence

Data lake: from data silos to actionable insights

Data is a key driver in every digital transformation process. Yet many companies struggle to extract relevant actionable insights that improve operational excellence. One of the key steps is to unlock the data that is hidden across the organisation.

PSA Sines has chosen Rombit to install a data lake, that centralises data sourced by applications across all departments. Combining information that was previously locked in data silos, PSA creates new insights that further optimise their daily operations. Additionally, the data lake lays the foundation for predictive analytics to support the shift of PSA Sines’ operational model from reactive to proactive.

Key technologies
  • Data lake
  • Predictive analytics
  • Data diagnostics
  • Dashboarding
  • Business analysis

The approach

The Data Lake project kicked off with an onsite Data Diagnostics track. Rombit conducted a series of high level interviews and in-depth validation workshops, to outline PSA Sines’ processes, the interactions between departments and the systems used. As a result, Rombit defined the data lake architecture tailored to PSA’s requirements.

“Rombit is a flexible and trustworthy partner. They work closely together with our teams and deliver a solid, easy to use and future-proof data platform.”

— Ricardo Baltazar, Deputy Head of IT, PSA Sines

The solution

Rombit’s predictive analytics solution supports the shift of PSA Sines’ operational model from reactive to proactive. The PSA Sines data lake centralizes all operational data from across the organisation. Data that was before locked in data silos in either raw, structured or processed format. The data lake is a single source of truth(SSOT) for operational metrics, operated in the cloud.

But it also provides a solid base for enhanced and predictive analytics. Transforming enriched information into actionable insights helps PSA Sines to continuously optimise and anticipate its operations and ultimately, reduce the Cost Per Box. The data lake has transformed PSA Sines into a true data-driven organisation.

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